Help keep the arts thriving in Hocking County!
Our New Membership Year is getting underway. Become a Member today!
1) Pay your membership donation online. Fill out the form below to pay for your membership online.
2) Pay by check. You may write a check to The Bowen House and mail it to: The Bowen House, P.O. Box 342, Logan, Ohio 43138.
Starting at the Donor level, members get discounts on Bowen House events and concerts! Moving up from there are additional benefits. The bottom line is that your membership level is your donation to the Bowen House to support us and the work we do. We greatly rely on the generosity of our constituents to continue providing this arts and education community center to Hocking County residents, surrounding communities, and tourists!
Becoming a Bowen House supporting member is your way of providing a financial contribution to support an organization that keeps the arts thriving in Hocking County. Each membership level gives back to you with discounts on events and more (see Membership Benefit Levels on the donation form on this page). The Bowen House is a community center for the arts and education where we hold:
- Music Lessons
- Workshops
- Camps
- Musical Performances
- Art Exhibits
- Photography Shows
- Community Events
- and more!
We also rent out the house and grounds for private use and events when our calendar is open.
Donate without Membership
If you’d like to support The Bowen House but can’t take advantage of the membership benefits, we appreciate all donations and couldn’t do this without you. Thank you!
Interested in Volunteering?
We couldn’t put on our events or maintain our beautiful home and gardens without our fantastic volunteers. Click the button below to fill out a volunteer interest form and join the fun!